eClinicalWorks product screenshots on laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Text reads, Image AI, AI assistant, and AI Automation

Meet Your AI-powered EHR

eClinicalWorks is the headquarters for a series of cutting-edge AI-powered enhancements that will reshape the future of EHRs. The eClinicalWorks AI-Powered EHR will improve provider satisfaction, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs.

Using AI to Improve Electronic Health Records

We’ve integrated the power of AI with the EHR to reshape workflows, enhance office efficiency, and improve patient satisfaction. This bundle features a collection of AI technologies to assist with a number of the needs of your practice. Turn Conversations into Clinical Documentation

Sunoh is designed to convert natural language conversations between healthcare providers and patients into clinical documentation. This AI-powered ambient speech technology offers a unique and immersive experience for doctors and patients, making the documentation of clinical notes faster and more efficient.

AI Assistant: Streamline Your Workflow

Integrating ChatGPT and Generative AI with the EMR and Practice Management system brings responsible AI into healthcare and creates the industry’s first conversational EHR. This is a significant leap in efficiency, introducing a language-based UI for users and streamlining various aspects of your workflow, from scheduling and documentation to health record search and administrative tasks.

Image AI: Simplify Your Fax Inbox Management

Image AI manages inbound faxes, matches them to patients, and interprets their purpose (subject to provider confirmation). This saves your practice valuable time and resources. Image AI also uses facial recognition to streamline check-in.

AI for RPA – Automated Playlists

This is a game-changing combination of AI with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) through Automated Playlists. It uses multi-screen navigation to significantly reduce the time spent on repetitive, manual tasks, enhancing efficiency, and easing staff onboarding.

healow No-Show AI Prediction Model

With AI machine learning, our healow® AI-Powered No-Show Prediction Model can predict your no-shows with up to 90% accuracy. With that knowledge, you can execute strategies that can help you improve your schedule utilization, increase your revenue, and improve patient health outcomes.

Do More with AI

Simplify the clinical
note-taking process
Calculate no-shows to
maximize schedule utilization
Simplify your fax
inbox management
Expedite the check-in process
with facial recognition
Calculate gaps in care and coding,
automate repetitive tasks

How AI Can Help the Healthcare Industry

Our recent survey of more than 120 healthcare professionals identified key challenges that can be met with AI-powered solutions.

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