Feeling burned out? There’s a tech prescription for that!


Provider caring for child on parent's lap

While every new physician enjoys the opportunities and challenges of practicing medicine, many doctors soon find themselves among the nearly two-thirds of their profession who regularly report experiencing at least one symptom of burnout. According to an American Medical Association report, that included 62.8 percent of all doctors in the U.S. as of September 2021 — a steady increase over the previous decade. Overworked doctors and their staffs dream about hearing words like “Why don’t you take half a day!” The problem? That usually means taking half a day to complete their documentation. If you’re thinking that this technologically advanced world has to offer a better way to get all that work done, you’re right — they’re called AI medical scribes. Dawn of the AI-powered scribes Humans have been doing medical transcription work for many years. But the remarkable advances in artificial intelligence mean that a new generation of solutions with ambient listening capabilities are now available to complete AI documentation and AI transcription tasks. And most of the time, in most circumstances, these AI-powered scribes are faster, cheaper, and more accurate than even the best humans. They can distinguish accents and multiple speakers and exhibit a high degree of accuracy. AI in primary care practices is particularly important given that these front-line medical practices are in constant high demand and face a long-term shortage of physicians. According to Dr. Joseph Osuagwu, documentation is a widespread issue among providers at his practice, Goodtime Family Care in Baltimore, Maryland. Providers at Goodtime experienced complications with traditional note taking techniques, which were labor-intensive, susceptible to inaccuracies from human mistakes, and frequently interrupted the patient interaction process. On hectic days, capturing the complete HPI and other crucial details was often missed due to a shortage of time.

Revolutionizing Work-Life Balance with a Smart AI-Driven EHR


wooden scale with words work and life on either side and a hand holding the scale and the eClinicalWorks logo in the lower right corner

The role of an AI medical scribe is becoming more and more significant in the clinical setting. AI medical scribes within EHR systems reduce the time providers spend on documentation and charting activities outside clinic hours, leading to better work-life balance. Last year, eClinicalWorks® introduced a series of AI functionalities to reshape the future of EHRs and announced its integration with AI medical scribe Sunoh.ai. This blog explores the real-world impact of AI-enhanced record keeping—from reducing time spent on administrative tasks that often lead to physician burnout to providing frontline workers with actionable insights for patient care.

An Authoritative Voice for Healthcare Documentation


Given the diverse, complex tasks of modern medicine, it is likely that human scribes will always have a role to play in healthcare. Nonetheless, a May 2021 article in EHR Intelligence notes that health systems nationwide continue to adopt scribe technologies where the powers of computing and artificial intelligence can improve efficiency without compromising safety.

Eva: A clear answer to the multitasking dilemma


Many physicians and their staffs pride themselves on being able to do lots of different tasks. Their intentions are excellent. Doctors, after all, are in the business of helping patients. So, helping as many as possible in the shortest amount of time can’t be a bad thing, right?

Better Technology for the Patient’s Sake


Like many providers today, those at Portland, Maine’s InterMed are busier than ever, providing a wide variety of primary care and specialty services to thousands of patients daily. They found that one of the best ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness isn’t to work that much harder and faster, but to slow down and take the time to learn some new techniques. That’s where eClinicalWorks Scribe has made such a difference.

How Cloud Technology Rescued Big Sur Island


As the only full-service healthcare facility for a 100-mile stretch of California’s Central Coast, Big Sur Health Center has to be prepared for the expected, the unexpected and everything in between. For all its natural splendor, Big Sur is also a land of danger, with wildfires, torrential rains, and constant threat of earthquakes.